Well, this weekend was about stabilizing the boy, getting into a routine and finding a name. We had lots of family this weekend. We finally got to hold "Tres". He is however becoming stronger and better at pulling off his CPAP, and as a result requires constant monitoring and adjustments. Tara is doing much better. She got discharged from the huge room that she was enjoying and now taking up residence in the "hospitality room". If the name has a spa-like ring to it for you, opening the door might bring a startling level of disappointment. Every 3 hours she gets up, pumps and sits with the wee man. We managed a family picture this weekend, which was nice. The nurses are trying to get his stomach to take food by giving it tiny drops through a tube that goes to his stomach. After letting it sit they draw a sample back out to see if it has begun to digest food. At this point everyone is on board with the name the boy challenge that we have going. I would love to pay tribute to Opa with a German name, but they are soo angry sounding.
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