Sam had his first date. Miori came over with her daughter Mona. They held hands for a while and laughed...or at least we thought thats what they were doing. Emma has quite enjoyed getting to know her grandparents again, hard to say who is on the steeper learning curve.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
The boy with a name...
Monday, May 3, 2010
Quite unbelievably, the boy's name has yet to be resolved. We are close, sort of. Can it be this difficult? On one hand you really want to pay tribute to the great family members that got you to this point in your life. On the other hand, you don't need your kid being beat up at school. I would have loved to named our son after my father, he is a great man, but that's my name, and that doesn't work. Tara has some strong ideas. We are not on the same page. We had found it so easy with Jack Gordon and Emma Rose. The crazy thing is that we were really ill prepared in every way for the early arrival those kids. We anticipated Sam to be early!
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Where did the time go?
Wow, so we had figured that once we were settled in the blog we could manage to do this weekly. So much for that...Things are busy around here. The spring is typically really busy around here, the property maintenance company does the switch from snow to grass. It is almost as though you would be setting up a new company every spring. Of course with the construction company, people emerge from their homes, look around and realize they will need help. Tara stays on the move with Sam(still with no full name), and I get to spend a lot of time with Emma Rose. Having a healthy girl around is wonderful.
Her words and sentences are coming in at a startling pace. We continue to welcome guests of all kinds. We had Rui and his wonderful kids come in a bring us brunch. Uncle John, Carol and Sabrina brought curry for dinner. We are surrounded by beautiful people. For the record we anticipate this to continue. Even after the kids are grown and left the house.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
The first wave
Saturday arrived with a flurry of phon
e calls. It seems that everyone has figured out that we are at home and could use a visit. First auntie Julie and her boy, Lucas, came out from Peterborough for a visit. A lesson to anyone who is thinking of coming to visit: Julie came with a lasagna and salad. Jeff, if you are paying attention, that is how a great house guest arrives! Shortly after lunch some of Emma's favourite people drifted in: the Hollefriends. Grammy and Poppa, Devin(dragging girlfriend Emma), Keigan, Rachel and Maggie. Rachel and Maggie took Emma for a walk. She was in heaven, telling the girls stories and showing them all of here favourite spots. Finally our wonderful neighbours, Alex, Connie, Steph(dragging best friend Sam) made their way over. We are very lucky to have such great neighbours. Steph, got her introduction to Sam. As our official babysitter, it was important to get her feet wet with him.
Uncle Dug
If you know Emma at all you know that she is something of a gear head. She loves everything mechanical. When we go for a drive, she is more than happy to point out every car that we pass. If we see a blue Dodge minivan, its uncle Jeff's, a silver one, its auntie buddy's, and so on. If there is a bus ANYWHERE in sight, you will know about it. Well, on Friday Tara took Emma to the King City firehall see her uncle Dug at work. Typical Dug style, he held nothing back. Not only did he dress up in the full bunker gear, but she got to get behind the wheel of every truck and "drive". At one point they ran the siren and the lights, and they actually took a truck around the parking lot. Dad should have gone to partake in the fun...Also in Dug style he made sure that the other uncles knew the score by teaching her "uncle Dug rocks".
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Thursday - catching up
Wow, suddenly keeping up with the posts has become a much harder task. Around here we are finding our "sea legs". It is times like this week that I feel really fortunate that I have flexibility in my work schedule, and a great team that are likely more comfortable without me getting in the way. Of course, that dream hits the wall when I realize that source deductions need to be submitted to "the man" today...dream over.
Along with her improved health, Emma's appetite has made a welcome return. Emma's eating has been off for months. I can't speak for what it is like in other households, but in our family food is always a big priority. Its really hard trying to come to terms with the feeling that I can't feed my daughter. It drives me to distraction. Now, I may have created a completely different problem, she has taken on dad's worst habit, the need to constantly graze. When we get in the van together and the first thing that she says is "bagel?". I begin to realize that I need to change my ways. The weather this week has been great so we have been able to get outside as a family, which has been nice. Yesterday Emma asked to hold Sam for the first time. It went better than expected. You just need to make sure that you are ready when she announces that she has had enough. Since then, she has held him a number of times after asking mom. This weekend is our last opportunity to assemble Sam's full name. Neither of us can believe that this saga continues. I can only imagine what he will think when he is older and realizes that his parents couldn't find a name for him for the first 3 weeks of his life. Sam is an interesting baby. I have discussed his grumpiness. That is certainly something that has stuck with him. The constant grumbling makes me wonder if he will ever grow out of it. Its not like he has been subjected to the Liberal party dark years yet in his life time, of course I hadn't thought of Dalton...The other unique thing that he does is flash his hands around. It constantly makes someone comment that he looks like he is practicing his marshal arts. This has got my wonderfully creative wife to believe that we should call him Samurai...
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